5 Best IDEs/Text Editors For Data Science in 2023!

7 min readApr 22, 2023

IDEs can make workflow more efficient and productive by offering syntax highlighting, code completion, interactive consoles, data visualization, version control, and more.

An IDE provides comprehensive tools for coding, debugging, testing, and deploying programs.

In this blog post, we will review five of the best IDEs for data science in 2023 based on their popularity, functionality, and ease of use. We will also compare their pros and cons and provide tips on choosing the right one based on requirements.

5. Spyder

Spyder is a free and open-source scientific environment written in Python, for Python, and designed by and for scientists, engineers, and data analysts. It features a unique combination of a comprehensive development tool’s advanced editing, analysis, debugging, and profiling functionality with the data exploration, interactive execution, deep inspection, and beautiful visualization capabilities of a scientific package.

Image from https://spyder-ide.org
Image from https://spyder-ide.org


Spyder’s editor is a multi-language editor that supports Python, R, Julia, and other languages. It has a function/class browser, code analysis tools (such as Pylint), automatic code completion (with Kite), horizontal/vertical splitting, and go-to-definition. It has features like code folding: We can collapse or expand blocks of code to focus on what matters and also code cells, dividing the code into logical sections that execute independently.

🐍IPython console:

Spyder’s IPython console is an enhanced interactive Python shell that allows users to execute code with plots and magic commands. Users can have as many consoles as they like in one GUI.

🔭Variable explorer:

Users can interact with and modify variables on the fly, edit a data frame or Numpy array, sort a collection, dig into nested objects, and more. It is one of the best GUI Variable explorers and is a fantastic feature, especially for data scientists.

📈Plots pane:

One can browse, zoom, copy, and save the figures and images. Users can also browse through, save and export the images. It also has features to create an outline for the generated plots and even a copy-to-clipboard button that lets us paste the image into a word processor.


Spyder also supports plugins that extend its functionality with additional features. One of the best is the Spyder Notebook plugin which lets us work with Jupyter notebooks inside Spyder.

Spyder is an ideal choice for data science because it offers a robust scientific environment that combines advanced editing analysis debugging profiling data exploration, interactive execution, deep inspection, and beautiful visualization capabilities.

4. DataSpell

JetBrains DataSpell is an IDE designed for professional data scientists that offer intelligent Jupyter notebooks, smart coding assistance, interactive Python scripts, local and remote notebook capabilities, data and visualization outputs, built-in tools and integrations, and support for multiple programming languages such as Python, R, and SQL. Spyder is built for data scientists who prioritize data science work over development.

Dataspell | Image by Author

📝 Intelligent Jupyter notebooks with high interactivity:

Data spell allows users to switch between command and editor modes easily. It provides intelligent coding assistance such as code completion, error checking, and quick fixes within .ipynb and .py Users can also work with local and remote Jupyter notebooks, JupyterHub, or JupyterLab servers.

📊 Data and visualization:

Users can interact and browse data frames and visualizations, supporting almost all significant data viz packages.

🔧 Built-in tools and integrations

It has several built-in tools like version control, terminal, and database tools and Supports multiple programming languages, including Python, R, and SQL. Dataspell offers database tools with intelligent coding assistance to query databases, view schemas, and browse data.

🔌 Plugins:

We can also access plugins like docker, Vim, and other famous theme plugins.

Data Spell could have been further up the list if it had been more versatile. Its lack of features in areas other than data science makes it much less desirable for developers who like to integrate data science with other applications.

3. R-Studio

RStudio is an integrated development environment (IDE) for R and Python, two popular data science and machine learning programming languages. RStudio is available in open source and commercial editions and runs on the desktop and the web browser through RStudio Server. It includes a console, syntax-highlighting editor that supports direct code execution, and various robust tools for plotting, viewing history, debugging, and managing the workspace.

Screenshot of Rstudio by Author
Screenshot of Rstudio by Author

📈 Powerful GUI

R-Studio provides a user-friendly and robust interface for data science tasks such as visualization, analysis, and statistical modeling. It has all the required features to perform any data analysis tasks.

🔌 Integrations

R-Studio supports various data import formats, including CSV, Excel, and SAS, and integrates with popular data science tools such as Git and GitHub.

📊 Research and Scientific features

R-Studio provides a range of features for reproducible research, including version control, code sharing, and project management.

📚In-Built Documentation, Reference, and tutorials

RStudio also offers a range of resources for learning R and data science, including tutorials, books, and webinars.

🆓 Open source!

RStudio is free and open-source software, meaning users can access and modify the source code as needed.

2. Jupyter Lab and Notebooks

Jupyter Notebook is one of the leading tools for interactive data exploration and visualization and has become the standard tool among data scientists. Jupyter Notebook is an open-source web application that lets users build data science reports containing live code, algorithms, visualizations, and explanations in Markdown. Users can run Jupyter Notebook locally on their computer or remotely on a cloud server or a cluster. It supports multiple programming languages like Python, R, Julia, Scala, etc.

Jupyter Lab | Image by author

👩‍💻 Interactive coding:

Jupyter notebooks enable real-time execution of code and visualization of output, allowing data scientists to interact with data and modify code on the fly.

🌄 Rich media:

Another critical feature of Jupyter Notebooks is their ability to include rich media, including images, videos, audio, HTML, and LaTeX.

📤 Sharing and Collaboration

Users can share their notebooks by printing them in PDF format via email, GitHub, Google Drive, and Dropbox. We also use tools like Binder, Google Colab, and Kaggle Kernels to run notebooks online without installing anything locally.

📄 Documentation:

Jupyter notebooks allow us to write and execute code cells alongside Markdown cells, enabling us to integrate documentation and explanation into our data analysis workflow seamlessly.

🧩Jupyter Nbextentions

Jupyter Notebook extensions are additional features and functionality like keyboard shortcuts, code folding, a table of contents, GitHub, GoogleDrive integrations, interactive widgets, etc.

1. Visual Studio Code(VS Code)

Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a free, lightweight, and extensible code editor for building web, desktop, and mobile applications, using any programming language and framework. It also supports debugging, code completion, refactoring, formatting, testing, version control, and more. It runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux platforms and has a rich ecosystem of extensions for multiple programming languages.

VS Code screenshot by author

🤖 IntelliSense:

IntelliSense is an intelligent code completion feature in VS Code that suggests variables, functions, and methods as we type. It offers code completion options based on our work context, such as the current file or library we use.

🧩 Extensions:

VS Code has an extension for everything. We will find extensions for almost anything we can imagine, such as code formatters, linters, color pickers, HTML and CSS preprocessors, debugging tools, Git integrations, and much more. Find thousands of extensions that add support for various languages, frameworks, tools, themes, snippets, and much more. VS Code has the best plugin marketplace.

🗂️ Themes

The ability to choose the preferred color scheme is an essential feature of any code editor, and VS Code does not disappoint in this regard. Themes in VS Code change the editor’s color and affect other areas of the user interface, such as the sidebar and the terminal. The wide selection of themes in the extension marketplace allows us to choose a color scheme that suits our preference or workflow.

⚙️ Configuration

VS code can be customized in various ways, making it an ideal choice for a personalized experience. The versatility of VS Code allows for complete customization, with settings that can be edited through a GUI or by editing a JSON file. We can tweak every VS code aspect and create custom settings/tools. So if a developer/data scientist wants to make their coding environment feel genuinely their own, VS code has everything we need to make it happen.

📙 Jupyter Notebook

Jupyter Notebook for VS code is an extension for the Visual Studio Code editor that allows users to create, edit, and run Jupyter Notebooks within the editor. This integration is helpful for data scientists who want to have all their coding and analysis tools in one place. With this integration, users can take advantage of the powerful features of Jupyter Notebooks and Visual Studio Code.

So, What is The Best IDE for Data Science?

While several options are available, the best IDE would depend mostly on the use case and requirements. I would’ve chosen Jupyter, but VS code is the absolute winner. It has a broader range of extensions useful for data science tasks. While customizability is almost similar, the seamless integration and constantly growing community make VS Code my choice.

Let me know your favorite IDE for data science and why?

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